Sense and Sensuality by Rev. Gary BlobaumIntroductionFor some people the legitimacy of same-sex marriage is obvious. They point out the many ways the Church ignores Biblical rules and commands. They are a little suspicious when Christians who ignore the express will of God in other cases suddenly insist on strict adherence to the Law when it comes to homosexuality. They contest whether the Biblical writers could have had any inkling about same-sex relationships as we understand them today. They are moved by compassion and empathy for those who long for intimacy with the one they love.
For other people, the illegitimacy of same-sex marriage is obvious. They point out that no passage in the Bible even comes close to affirming same-sex sensuality. They see the ELCA rushing prematurely to resolve a dilemma for which science has no definitive information and in which theology is pressured by a desire to conform to the world. They are moved to compassion and empathy regarding the strength of biological drives, but they have compassion as well for the spiritual wellbeing of people in same-sex relationships. “Sense and Sensuality,” a seven-week course to be held during the Reformation Session of CenterPointe, will explore some of the issues involved in the recent ELCA churchwide assembly. The class will cover such topics as: What’s New in the ELCA? What is Marriage? What is Homosexuality? What Does the Bible say? Sex and Salvation, Global Sisters and Brothers, and A Response to Ralph W. Klein. The class will read two papers by “revisionist” theologians who argue the case for blessing or consecrating committed, lifelong, monogamous same-sex relationships and one paper by a “traditionalist” theologian who argues against the blessing or consecrating of same-sex relationships. These three papers have not been printed for this packet; they can be accessed online at the sites indicated in the text of this packet. Read the series. Part one - "What's New in the ELCA?" |