Letter to the Church Council
As Christians, we love to say “Church is a hospital and we are all sick people.” But, what Jesus said was, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Sick people go to the hospital to GET WELL! No one would continue to go to a hospital full of sick people and the doctor says, “Come on in- we know you’re sick, like all of us,” but doesn’t try to heal him! Who wants to go to a hospital that keeps you sick?????
I heard many people say, “Keep the main thing, the main thing.” And, in one of the letters, our Sr. Pastor reminded us to remember that the most important thing is the Gospel and Christ crucified. Yes! But what does that MEAN???? Because I came from a life where I needed a REAL Jesus- a Jesus who heals, a Jesus who not just “forgives” sins, but SETS ME FREE from those sins! Maybe I just needed this message more than others, but I could not LIVE the way I was! I needed RELEASE from my bondage!
I believe the verses that say that I am a NEW CREATION! The old is gone and the new has come! I don’t have to live in bondage to my sin. “It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free!” My life would have been destroyed if I had stayed in my destructive lifestyle. But, Jesus changed me! He didn’t just FORGIVE my sin, He set me FREE from that sin.
Why do we say that homosexuality is the sin that this freedom just doesn’t “work”??? Why would we say the blood of Jesus sets us free from bondage……EXCEPT in this area. His blood just isn’t strong enough….this sin is stronger. Where is hope in THAT????
I know some scoff at the idea that homosexuals can be set free from this sinful lifestyle. I have heard (and I am sure you have as well) of many people who have broken free because of Jesus. I knew a wonderful guy when I lived in Champaign. (Champaign had a large population of gay men.) He had lived a homosexual lifestyle, but Christ set him free. He was married and had a baby when I knew him.
Many will say, “But they are ‘born’ with this. It is in their DNA. They can’t break free.” But I say we are ALL BORN WITH “IT”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is called a “sinful nature.” We all have battles. The flesh is in a WAR with the Spirit! (1Peter 2:11) We all have temptations that entice us into sin and keep us in BONDAGE to it. For some, it is homosexuality. Others it is pornography. Others battle overeating, materialism, drugs, gossip, anger issues…the list goes on and on. Why would we accept the behavior of a homosexual pastor but not one who is embezzling from the church? Why do we say someone who is gay can’t help it because they were born with it when we would NEVER accept that a child molester is “born with it” and allow him to do that. Sin is sin! As I look at verses that deal with homosexuality in Romans and Corinthians, I see that Paul includes it with other sin. This tells me that it IS sin. 1Corin. 6:9-11 says homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But, he also says thieves and gossips won’t. Homosexuality is INCLUDED with other sins. Why are we excluding it?
Roman 6, 7, and 8 offers us the promise that all sin is “hard,” but that we have been set free. We cry out in utter desperation, “Oh what a wretched man am I!” But, we cannot stop there! It doesn’t “end” with Chapter 7! Romans 8 tells us that we have life in the Spirit! We want to quote 8:1 …..and stop. We love that “there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” But read the WHOLE chapter! There’s MORE and the news gets BETTER! We live NOT according to the sinful nature, but by the Spirit! We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!
Why would we have a “Celebrate Recovery” class in a church that says, “Jesus can set you free from sin…..except THAT sin. That sin you will have to just live with (if you are in a monogamous, committed, loving relationship) THEN that sin is acceptable. I’m sorry, but to me, THAT attitude is like the Pharisees. That is following man-made rules (homosexuality is OK as long as you follow these rules) NOT God’s Law. God’s Law says that marriage is one man and one woman. God’s Law says that homosexuality is a sin. The Pharisees wanted to gain righteousness on their own. They didn’t want to lay down their own sinful desires and come to Jesus for redemption. I heard many alluding to the idea that believing and obeying God’s Word is legalistic, “Old Testament”, not loving somehow…. I instead say making our “guidelines” and man-made rules is more Pharisee-like. God left us His wonderful Word so that we can understand how to live and love in His set parameters.
We were called out of darkness into His Wonderful Light….called OUT of sin. 1Peter 2:16 tells us to live as FREE men, but don’t use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. I fear we are using grace as a license TO sin- grace has become the COVER-UP when GRACE is the POWER to live a life free from sin! We all make mistakes, we all slip up, but GRACE frees us from BONDAGE to sin. Is Jesus so WEAK that we would deny any less????? No! Should we say that Jesus can heal, restore, free us from all OTHER sins- but in the sin of homosexuality we should just suck it up and deal with it? We’re “excused”, but just make sure you are loving and monogamous.
Another point many made was that we would not be loving unless we accept the homosexual lifestyle. But, I appreciated one gentleman’s comments about looking at what “LOVE” is. Would I be a loving parent if I allowed my children to engage in sinful practices? What if my son wanted to look at pornographic websites? He isn’t “hurting” anyone by doing it. Would I just excuse it? Would I say, “Well, he was born with this desire to look at naked people engaged in sex”? NO WAY! I would deal with it!
In Corinthians, Paul tells the Church to “expel the immoral brother.” (1Corinthians 5) That sounds harsh to us. We say, “That’s NOT love! That’s not a ‘Christian’ behavior!” But, are we going to believe the Bible or NOT??? Are we going to TRUST God or not????? Don’t we believe that God’s Sovereignty is over all? Do we believe that God’s desire is to ultimately restore and bring back that brother? Paul writes, “And you are so proud! (Proud that they are so “loving” and accepting!) Shouldn’t you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this?....hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord. Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast- as you really are…..I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those OUTSIDE the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.”
Today, we look at that passage and think it is so horrible. We think it unloving. But, God chooses to include this passage of scripture in the Bible to teach us. (2 Tim. 3:16). We see that in the Old Testament people who sinned sexually were taken out and STONED. Jesus doesn’t say to STOP calling sin “sin”. In fact, when we study the Sermon on the Mount, we see Him “kick it up a notch.” Jesus calls us living under the New Covenant to a HIGHER (even more “difficult”) standard. WHY??? Because He is the POWER to live it! He is the POWER to break free from the bondage of sin!!!!!!! It is when we are trying to “do it”, live righteously, on OUR OWN, that we mess up. So, we aren’t stoned, but redeemed! What happens to the man in Corinthians? He REPENTS- turns FROM sin and TOWARDS faith in God- and THEN, he is brought back into the church (2 Corinthians 2:5-11). He is forgiven and shown compassion. He is comforted. BUT, he comes back restored and healed!
Instead, we are taking an attitude of the world. Are we looking to the “wisdom” (“scientific” research, cultural views and attitudes) of the world or wisdom of God’s Word?
Simply put: Are we going to believe God’s Word or not?
Is God Sovereign or not? Do you think He is surprised by “new research”???? When He wrote the Bible through the Holy Spirit, was it just that He didn’t have all the facts then? But, now, our generation, because we are so intelligent, we have discovered these new “facts”, so it overrides His Word???? God knows and knew then all about “research” and still calls it sin.
“For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4: 3
When I read Genesis and Titus, I see that God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman. When I read Romans, I see that homosexuality is SIN. We are so quick to take a few verses, just read them, and not the whole passage. But, when we study the WHOLE counsel of the Bible, we see that God’s view doesn’t change over the thousands of years. Old Testament and New Testament, God’s view on homosexuality is the same.
When I read the WHOLE passage of Romans in context and not just versed 26 and 27, I get a better understanding. I see that it started because the people didn’t know or glorify God. Their thinking became dark and foolish. God gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not be done. God didn’t single homosexuality in the passage of “bad things” (gossips, disobedient to parents…..) But, He includes it! I see when God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity they exchanged the truth of God for a lie. God gives them over to shameful lusts. Then we see them engaging in homosexuality. They didn’t think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God (maybe the experts of the day disputed it). THEN they become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity…everything from greed to gossiping to boastful. I see that homosexuality opened the door to a sinful attitude. Although they knew God’s Word, they continued anyway. Verse 32- They APPROVED of those who practice them. A tolerant attitude led to more sin.
This is our family’s main concern. At the forum, one lady gave a beautiful testimony of her love for a “surrogate” son. She talked about Wed. nights and serving kids and showing the love of Christ and that is what’s important. Well, I have kids who are involved in Wed. night church and they are the reason I am so concerned about the decisions our church will make. My kids know what is going on. They watched the news and were confused and disappointed when the ELCA came down with the vote. For kids, it is easy. They see that homosexuality is wrong. They don’t understand why a church would be confused about saying it is OK by allowing gay pastors or gay marriage. They see hypocrisy in “black and white.” Accepting homosexual behavior as anything but sin is hypocrisy to them. They know we all sin- we all make mistakes. But, why would we allow one group of people to say theirs is NOT sin? There is such a danger here. This could open a door to much doubt and confusion. Well, if the Bible says this is sin, but today we don’t know if it, or we are deciding that people just can’t help it and it’s OK…then what else in the Bible is the same way? What can I believe in the Bible? What is true? What can I ignore?
We are again living in a generation that glamorizes homosexuality- TV shows, the music culture….We have a generation of kids who are being told by society that homosexuality is great. Where is the voice of the Church saying, “Hold on. Homosexuality is not great. God calls it sin. It may seem enticing. But it is wrong. But, guess what? You don’t have to fall into it. We know how you can be set free from it. It may be a battle you have to be engaged in for the rest of your life (like I am in the areas that beckon to me), but Jesus gives you the power to overcome it. He strengthens you. ‘No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.’(1Corin. 10:13)”
So, when one family at the forum asks why are we drawing the line “here”? It is because the ELCA did. They made a statement. To ignore that (as some wanted to do on Sun.) is to condone it.
As the Church, we are to be salt and light. We are to be separate and called out from the world. I never once saw in the Old Testament or New Testament prophets or apostles teaching to accept the sins of the people around them. No, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, although living in Babylon, sin all around them, still followed God’s Law. Paul and the church of Corinth, although sinful practices are all around them, don’t excuse them. Paul always emphasizes obedience to God’s Word and living in Spirit, by the Spirit. It’s not as if we don’t see sexual immorality addressed! Paul writes about it in almost all of his letters- Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Thessalonians, and Titus. Looking at that, I would say that this issue is pretty important!
One final point. Even though Jesus didn’t discuss “homosexuality” by name in the Bible, He was clear about leaving a life a sin. I see Him setting people free from sin. Although we live under a New Covenant, Jesus never said to disregard Old Testament teaching. He often quoted and taught from Scriptures- which IS the Old Testament! By “loving” people, He never equated following Him with continuing in sin. He tells us to “pick up our cross.”
I am sure you are receiving much input on this and I don’t want to overwhelm you with such a long email. I just feel that this issue is so important and that we need to look to the Word for our guidance.
Thirsty for Him,
Tracy Berta
I heard many people say, “Keep the main thing, the main thing.” And, in one of the letters, our Sr. Pastor reminded us to remember that the most important thing is the Gospel and Christ crucified. Yes! But what does that MEAN???? Because I came from a life where I needed a REAL Jesus- a Jesus who heals, a Jesus who not just “forgives” sins, but SETS ME FREE from those sins! Maybe I just needed this message more than others, but I could not LIVE the way I was! I needed RELEASE from my bondage!
I believe the verses that say that I am a NEW CREATION! The old is gone and the new has come! I don’t have to live in bondage to my sin. “It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free!” My life would have been destroyed if I had stayed in my destructive lifestyle. But, Jesus changed me! He didn’t just FORGIVE my sin, He set me FREE from that sin.
Why do we say that homosexuality is the sin that this freedom just doesn’t “work”??? Why would we say the blood of Jesus sets us free from bondage……EXCEPT in this area. His blood just isn’t strong enough….this sin is stronger. Where is hope in THAT????
I know some scoff at the idea that homosexuals can be set free from this sinful lifestyle. I have heard (and I am sure you have as well) of many people who have broken free because of Jesus. I knew a wonderful guy when I lived in Champaign. (Champaign had a large population of gay men.) He had lived a homosexual lifestyle, but Christ set him free. He was married and had a baby when I knew him.
Many will say, “But they are ‘born’ with this. It is in their DNA. They can’t break free.” But I say we are ALL BORN WITH “IT”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is called a “sinful nature.” We all have battles. The flesh is in a WAR with the Spirit! (1Peter 2:11) We all have temptations that entice us into sin and keep us in BONDAGE to it. For some, it is homosexuality. Others it is pornography. Others battle overeating, materialism, drugs, gossip, anger issues…the list goes on and on. Why would we accept the behavior of a homosexual pastor but not one who is embezzling from the church? Why do we say someone who is gay can’t help it because they were born with it when we would NEVER accept that a child molester is “born with it” and allow him to do that. Sin is sin! As I look at verses that deal with homosexuality in Romans and Corinthians, I see that Paul includes it with other sin. This tells me that it IS sin. 1Corin. 6:9-11 says homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But, he also says thieves and gossips won’t. Homosexuality is INCLUDED with other sins. Why are we excluding it?
Roman 6, 7, and 8 offers us the promise that all sin is “hard,” but that we have been set free. We cry out in utter desperation, “Oh what a wretched man am I!” But, we cannot stop there! It doesn’t “end” with Chapter 7! Romans 8 tells us that we have life in the Spirit! We want to quote 8:1 …..and stop. We love that “there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” But read the WHOLE chapter! There’s MORE and the news gets BETTER! We live NOT according to the sinful nature, but by the Spirit! We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!
Why would we have a “Celebrate Recovery” class in a church that says, “Jesus can set you free from sin…..except THAT sin. That sin you will have to just live with (if you are in a monogamous, committed, loving relationship) THEN that sin is acceptable. I’m sorry, but to me, THAT attitude is like the Pharisees. That is following man-made rules (homosexuality is OK as long as you follow these rules) NOT God’s Law. God’s Law says that marriage is one man and one woman. God’s Law says that homosexuality is a sin. The Pharisees wanted to gain righteousness on their own. They didn’t want to lay down their own sinful desires and come to Jesus for redemption. I heard many alluding to the idea that believing and obeying God’s Word is legalistic, “Old Testament”, not loving somehow…. I instead say making our “guidelines” and man-made rules is more Pharisee-like. God left us His wonderful Word so that we can understand how to live and love in His set parameters.
We were called out of darkness into His Wonderful Light….called OUT of sin. 1Peter 2:16 tells us to live as FREE men, but don’t use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. I fear we are using grace as a license TO sin- grace has become the COVER-UP when GRACE is the POWER to live a life free from sin! We all make mistakes, we all slip up, but GRACE frees us from BONDAGE to sin. Is Jesus so WEAK that we would deny any less????? No! Should we say that Jesus can heal, restore, free us from all OTHER sins- but in the sin of homosexuality we should just suck it up and deal with it? We’re “excused”, but just make sure you are loving and monogamous.
Another point many made was that we would not be loving unless we accept the homosexual lifestyle. But, I appreciated one gentleman’s comments about looking at what “LOVE” is. Would I be a loving parent if I allowed my children to engage in sinful practices? What if my son wanted to look at pornographic websites? He isn’t “hurting” anyone by doing it. Would I just excuse it? Would I say, “Well, he was born with this desire to look at naked people engaged in sex”? NO WAY! I would deal with it!
In Corinthians, Paul tells the Church to “expel the immoral brother.” (1Corinthians 5) That sounds harsh to us. We say, “That’s NOT love! That’s not a ‘Christian’ behavior!” But, are we going to believe the Bible or NOT??? Are we going to TRUST God or not????? Don’t we believe that God’s Sovereignty is over all? Do we believe that God’s desire is to ultimately restore and bring back that brother? Paul writes, “And you are so proud! (Proud that they are so “loving” and accepting!) Shouldn’t you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this?....hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord. Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast- as you really are…..I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those OUTSIDE the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.”
Today, we look at that passage and think it is so horrible. We think it unloving. But, God chooses to include this passage of scripture in the Bible to teach us. (2 Tim. 3:16). We see that in the Old Testament people who sinned sexually were taken out and STONED. Jesus doesn’t say to STOP calling sin “sin”. In fact, when we study the Sermon on the Mount, we see Him “kick it up a notch.” Jesus calls us living under the New Covenant to a HIGHER (even more “difficult”) standard. WHY??? Because He is the POWER to live it! He is the POWER to break free from the bondage of sin!!!!!!! It is when we are trying to “do it”, live righteously, on OUR OWN, that we mess up. So, we aren’t stoned, but redeemed! What happens to the man in Corinthians? He REPENTS- turns FROM sin and TOWARDS faith in God- and THEN, he is brought back into the church (2 Corinthians 2:5-11). He is forgiven and shown compassion. He is comforted. BUT, he comes back restored and healed!
Instead, we are taking an attitude of the world. Are we looking to the “wisdom” (“scientific” research, cultural views and attitudes) of the world or wisdom of God’s Word?
Simply put: Are we going to believe God’s Word or not?
Is God Sovereign or not? Do you think He is surprised by “new research”???? When He wrote the Bible through the Holy Spirit, was it just that He didn’t have all the facts then? But, now, our generation, because we are so intelligent, we have discovered these new “facts”, so it overrides His Word???? God knows and knew then all about “research” and still calls it sin.
“For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4: 3
When I read Genesis and Titus, I see that God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman. When I read Romans, I see that homosexuality is SIN. We are so quick to take a few verses, just read them, and not the whole passage. But, when we study the WHOLE counsel of the Bible, we see that God’s view doesn’t change over the thousands of years. Old Testament and New Testament, God’s view on homosexuality is the same.
When I read the WHOLE passage of Romans in context and not just versed 26 and 27, I get a better understanding. I see that it started because the people didn’t know or glorify God. Their thinking became dark and foolish. God gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not be done. God didn’t single homosexuality in the passage of “bad things” (gossips, disobedient to parents…..) But, He includes it! I see when God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity they exchanged the truth of God for a lie. God gives them over to shameful lusts. Then we see them engaging in homosexuality. They didn’t think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God (maybe the experts of the day disputed it). THEN they become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity…everything from greed to gossiping to boastful. I see that homosexuality opened the door to a sinful attitude. Although they knew God’s Word, they continued anyway. Verse 32- They APPROVED of those who practice them. A tolerant attitude led to more sin.
This is our family’s main concern. At the forum, one lady gave a beautiful testimony of her love for a “surrogate” son. She talked about Wed. nights and serving kids and showing the love of Christ and that is what’s important. Well, I have kids who are involved in Wed. night church and they are the reason I am so concerned about the decisions our church will make. My kids know what is going on. They watched the news and were confused and disappointed when the ELCA came down with the vote. For kids, it is easy. They see that homosexuality is wrong. They don’t understand why a church would be confused about saying it is OK by allowing gay pastors or gay marriage. They see hypocrisy in “black and white.” Accepting homosexual behavior as anything but sin is hypocrisy to them. They know we all sin- we all make mistakes. But, why would we allow one group of people to say theirs is NOT sin? There is such a danger here. This could open a door to much doubt and confusion. Well, if the Bible says this is sin, but today we don’t know if it, or we are deciding that people just can’t help it and it’s OK…then what else in the Bible is the same way? What can I believe in the Bible? What is true? What can I ignore?
We are again living in a generation that glamorizes homosexuality- TV shows, the music culture….We have a generation of kids who are being told by society that homosexuality is great. Where is the voice of the Church saying, “Hold on. Homosexuality is not great. God calls it sin. It may seem enticing. But it is wrong. But, guess what? You don’t have to fall into it. We know how you can be set free from it. It may be a battle you have to be engaged in for the rest of your life (like I am in the areas that beckon to me), but Jesus gives you the power to overcome it. He strengthens you. ‘No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.’(1Corin. 10:13)”
So, when one family at the forum asks why are we drawing the line “here”? It is because the ELCA did. They made a statement. To ignore that (as some wanted to do on Sun.) is to condone it.
As the Church, we are to be salt and light. We are to be separate and called out from the world. I never once saw in the Old Testament or New Testament prophets or apostles teaching to accept the sins of the people around them. No, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, although living in Babylon, sin all around them, still followed God’s Law. Paul and the church of Corinth, although sinful practices are all around them, don’t excuse them. Paul always emphasizes obedience to God’s Word and living in Spirit, by the Spirit. It’s not as if we don’t see sexual immorality addressed! Paul writes about it in almost all of his letters- Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Thessalonians, and Titus. Looking at that, I would say that this issue is pretty important!
One final point. Even though Jesus didn’t discuss “homosexuality” by name in the Bible, He was clear about leaving a life a sin. I see Him setting people free from sin. Although we live under a New Covenant, Jesus never said to disregard Old Testament teaching. He often quoted and taught from Scriptures- which IS the Old Testament! By “loving” people, He never equated following Him with continuing in sin. He tells us to “pick up our cross.”
I am sure you are receiving much input on this and I don’t want to overwhelm you with such a long email. I just feel that this issue is so important and that we need to look to the Word for our guidance.
Thirsty for Him,
Tracy Berta