The following is an Facebook post by the ELCA's Gulf Coast Synod that shares an article they published titled "Why Pronouns Matter":
Last week the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America held it's Churchwide Assembly. The assembly brought ELCA leadership from across the nation together. A social media post that includes a picture shows one unofficial gathering that took place (see below) and it includes a comment saying "@ELCA how many rostered ministers you think we can get in a gay bar? #elcacwa #cwa2022". The picture posted below shows ELCA Synod bishop Kevin Strickland, ELCA seminary president (United Lutheran Seminary) R. Guy Erwin, along with apparently many other ELCA ministers. The person in the front row with red hair and in blue is unknown. (or see here) The person who wrote the social media post was apparently under 18 years old in April of 2021 according to an ELCA biological information for nominees form this person filled out. (The ELCA form is posted on an ELCA run website but I am not posting a link because it contains personal information). The ELCA official Twitter account shows its approval by retweeting the post/picture and saying "Having an awesome time in #Columbus for #ELCAcwa!" (See below) Here is a link to the ELCA's Official Twitter page and this post.
Of course they are. But how many souls have they helped save from eternal damnation?
— ELCA Advocacy (@ELCAadvocacy) January 2, 2019 The Luther Seminary student newspaper published a proabortion article highlighting a letter which instructs "Faith Communities in Working for Reproductive Freedom." (read here)
Luther Seminary is a institution that trains and teaches people who are seeking to become pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. On the Luther Seminary "announcements" page is an announcement about the reproductive freedom article and the corresponding letter (screenshot below). That announcement contains this statement: "Special Reminder: Your classmate’s bodies are not topics of theological debate. The comment section of this post will be a place to share your learning. It is not a place to express anti-abortion sentiment. Any comment that breaks this boundary will be deleted." Prolife comments are not allowed. In the letter that Luther Seminary's student newspaper is promoting is this statement: "it is important to recognize that the opposition to abortion access has always been about a lot more than abortion. It is about enforcing racism and white supremacy, patriarchy, and ruling class power." You can read the letter here. (Warning. The following article contains content that is inappropriate. I have added black boxes to cover some of the picture. This is an example of how bad the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is.) Last month bisexual ELCA pastor Dawn Bennett took to Facebook and made the public post which you can see here. At least one ELCA bishop commented afterward with a favorable statement. (Also shared below) In the comment section ELCA Pastor Bennett writes: Also in the comment section is this from Brenda Bos, lesbian bishop of the ELCA's Southwest California Synod: How can anyone continue to support the ELCA, a denomination that allows this? A denomination that has a "Pastor of Public Witness" who brags about having sex with her boyfriend. A denomination that elects a transgender person as bishop of their synod. Evil is alive and well and it controls the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. See here for more articles about ELCA Rev. Dawn Bennett.
The ELCA's South-Central Synod of Wisconsin has a new "Assistant to the Bishop for Generosity." Rev. Peter Beeson, formally Rev. Rose Beeson (see here), is joining the synod staff.
This is the third known transgender person to be placed in a leadership position in the ELCA this year. The Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA elected transgender pastor Megan Rohrer bishop of their synod in May, 2021 (see here) and the East Central Synod of Wisconsin of the ELCA installed pastor Asher O'Callaghan as associate to the bishop, also in May . (See here) Theological liberals control the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If you believe God's Word, it is time to get out of this denomination.
Below is an example of the constant message the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is putting out in their publications and social media pages.
The original post comes from a child (who claims to be transgender). The ELCA shared the post on Facebook and commented on it - You should not be surprised to see lots rainbow colored gay pride messages in June, which many have branded "Gay Pride Month," but sadly, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of its biggest promoters.
Everywhere you look you will find ELCA pastors, ELCA seminaries, ELCA schools, ELCA synods, ELCA headquarters, ELCA publications, ELCA social media and ELCA churches proudly proclaiming their gay pride. It seems to be there main mission as a church to declare what God calls sin, to be "good."
On May 8, 2021, the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA elected transgender pastor Megan Rohrer bishop of their synod.
Thrilled with the news, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America issued a press release with posts on their website, Facebook page and their magazine Living Lutheran announcing the historic action of the ELCA's "first openly transgender bishop..." (See below) The news has been picked up by many national news outlets including this one from NPR. The ELCA mocks God. They mock God's Word. They lead others astray and they twist the Truth. The ELCA:
I can no longer have any respect for anyone who remains in the ELCA. That includes churches that remain too, from the very smallest to the biggest (the ELCA's Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines and Nazareth Lutheran in Cedar Falls, to name a few). Shame on you for staying in a denomination that is not Christian but is leading people into sin and away from Jesus. Your participation is your shame and you have no excuse. You can not justify being part of this evil, faith destroying denomination. (See the new release the ELCA published where they brag "Rohrer is the first transgender bishop in the ELCA" here)
Today the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) posted an article on social media by their Living Lutheran publication about George Floyd. The article written by an ELCA pastor calls for racial reparations. It also talks of "systemic racism and white supremacy." (See below and here)
Exposing the ELCA and The Liberal Lutheran Church Today have been reporting on the ELCA for close to 11 years. This has been a ministry of care and concern for people under the influence of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. God has used this ministry to help thousands of people and hundreds of congregations be equipped with truth and knowledge that has helped them to discern God's will and direction. Thousands have been reached through connections to articles in The New Yorker, The Jerusalem Post and other reputable news outlets. This work continues to be exceedingly valuable in the pursuit of people knowing the truth.
After 11+ years of very limited financial support, and in order to keep this ministry going, it is time to ask those who believe in this ministry to help. The ELCA's minimum salary guidelines for a pastor of 10 years (with congregations of over 300) is $62,600 to $77.800. (See here on page 16). The goal is to raise $75,000 to support the work of Exposing the ELCA. Gifts can be given by credit card, or PayPal at If you'd like to give by check send me a message (here) for more information. I believe a God-honoring ministry, which we no-doubt labor to be, should be supported at or above what people who teach heresy are given. If you believe this work is important, please give generously to help shine light in the darkness. With your help, we can continue to warn others and reveal the abandonment of God's Word happening in the ELCA, and in so doing, advance the Gospel. This is mission work, and I am thankful for your prayer and financial support thus far and your prayer and financial support in the future. In Christ, Dan Skogen (I founded and run both and this website, Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11
A letter signed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is calling for President Trump's removal from office. Even more shocking, the ELCA comes against anyone who believes the 2020 election was fraudulent saying, "In addition, we recognize the need to hold responsible not only those who invaded the Capitol, but also those who supported and/or promoted the President’s false claims about the election, or made their own false accusations." (See here)
Buckle-up God-fearing Christians, in a country that was built on freedom of speech, half of our society, big tech and the faux-Christian community have succumbed to hate and are now calling for repercussions for those with thoughts and beliefs that are not their own. It is time to reexamine your relationship with God, invest in your faith, grow in your knowledge of God's Word and train up those around you to do the same. Fear not, God is with you. Here is the article on the ELCA website announcing the "ELCA presiding bishop joins NCC leaders in letter to vice president, Cabinet and Congress."
ELCA church Dreams and Visions and their hyped ELCA pastor Emily Scott is hosting "A Drag Queen Storytime Queer Christmas Celebration."
Living off the dime of a century's worth of Biblical Lutherans, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has turned it's back on God, God's Word and its foundation, and become an institution that mocks God and harms souls. If you haven't left the ELCA you have some explaining to do.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a dying, pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-transgender, anti-Israel, sanctuary denomination, that teaches universalism (all people go to heaven), that often refers to God as "she" and refrains from using male words for Him, dismisses many Biblical accounts, does not evangelize but advocates for the most liberal social causes. Mike Housholder is an ELCA pastor at the ELCA's largest church, Lutheran Church of Hope (West Des Moines, Iowa). Rev. Housholder and Lutheran Church of Hope embrace their affiliation with the ELCA. They even hosted their ELCA synod's assembly 2 months ago. I have not come across one public statement by Pastor Housholder or his mega church, in the last 10 years where he speaks a word of correction, pleads with or calls for repentance of the ELCA for its wickedness. That should tell you a lot. Earlier this year, in a sermon, Pastor Mike Housholder lifted up an ELCA leader, who was instrumental in bringing approval of same-sex marriage to the ELCA, yet spoke condemnation of people Housholder labeled as "self-righteous fundamentalist(s)." Cambridge Dictionary defines "fundamentalist" as "someone who believes in traditional forms of a religion, or believes that what is written in a holy book, such as the Christian Bible, is completely true." Then bizarrely, Rev. Housholder puts on a grotesque face and mockingly shares how a Christian may "badly" witness to the said atheist (see video below at the 13:30 minute mark). I believe this is an interesting precursor to what followed next, with Pastor Mike Housholder's comments about fundamentalists.
Read the rest of this important article here...
ELCA pastor Lura N. Groen has been highlighted on Exposing the ELCA many times. She is one of the most radical and heretical ELCA pastors I have come across. (See here and below for a number of things she has been saying. Some of it is blasphemous and vile.)
With that said, Pastor Lura N. Groen has been endorsed and placed into postions of influence and leadership by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Below are some writings and social media content from Rev. Groen. Sorry for the shocking and odious content. How can the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leadership allow someone, who speaks and believes as this pastor does, to rise in their leadership ranks? How can they allow Rev. Groen and many ELCA pastors like her, to mock the One True God? The ELCA is culpable and responsible for this. They allow it and give it a platform in their midst. The true God of Scripture is not the God the ELCA serves. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in it.
Continuing from Rev. Lura N. Groen's article posted above "I Hope You Have Only Good Sex" (see the complete article here), she writes, "This is, for me, an open expression of a deeply faith based sexual ethic. My Christian way of saying the same thing is to hope that each of you has sex in way, and only in a way, that is set free to love God, self, and neighbor. And that every time you have sex you respect the image of God in yourself and in your partner(s). That you treat yourself and every other body involved as holy, a temple, beloved by God, created beautifully, fearsomely and awesomely made."
Some of Rev. Groen's comments get even worse:
In the next post Rev. Lura Groen shared an article titled "What Promiscuity Taught Me About God's Love." The article was from
A recent post by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) writes, "On Sunday, a holy day of prayer and worship, ICE plans to conduct nationwide sweeps to arrest thousands of undocumented immigrant families -- targeting the same Strangers that scripture tells us to welcome as our own. Find out how cities are responding to the administration's plans to detain and deport the families who are so vital to the fabric of our communities."
Another recent post by LIRS talks about an illegal immigrant who "faces deportation at the hands of ICE..." LIRS even sent out a "MASSIVE DEPORTATION ALERT" about "large-scale ICE raids..." These "raids" are aimed at people who are not obeying the United States justice system. "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement plans to conduct nationwide sweeps to arrest thousands of undocumented immigrant families that the government says have missed a court appearance or have been issued court-ordered removals from the country." (See here) Why is the ELCA closely working with this organization? Well, look what the ELCA itself is doing in response the ICE initiatives here. See some of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's actions and words below, as well as ELCA entities sharing this information:
President Trump recently said, "Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States..."
Two weeks ago, the Director of ICE ice said, “Our next challenge is going to be interior enforcement...We will be going after individuals who have gone through due process and who have received final orders of deportation." (See Washington Post article linked below) The ELCA responded with the following: As you can see above and below, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seems to be taking issue with people who were given deportation orders actually being deported. Remember, all of these ELCA agencies, the seminary and organizations are funded by money given by ELCA members. Many of these members would disagree with their money being used this way.
The Western Iowa Synod is showing its true colors sharing an article, rejoicing and expressing their desire for a bill to pass that offers "path to citizenship"
It is sad that the ELCA brings in so much money when they twist and rewrite God's Word. No doubt faithful Christians over many decades put their money toward their church and now it is being used for extreme liberalism and heresy.
If you’re in a dead dying church, don’t quit going to church, just quit going to your church. And go find a church that’s alive & is teaching the conservative true word of God.” – Rev. Robert Jeffress |
Dan Skogen 'See!' he said to all the people. 'This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the LORD has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God.'
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January 2023