Case in point, Pacific Lutheran University, an ELCA college, hosted a production of “The Vagina Monologues,” a vulgar play that focus' on the subjects of sex, menstruation and female genitalia. Pacific Lutheran University students expanded on the play writing some of their own monologues and the PLU creative director for the production explains why saying, “We wanted to get more trans women, more queer women, more women of color to talk about their experiences." (see here)
The article also says that the play is a "familiar Pacific Lutheran University tradition" and a comment here says, "I go to Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA and we have had it every year for at least ten years or so. It always draws a huge crowd."
Is this a Christ honoring play? Only someone who has a false understanding of Jesus would say "yes."
The late Bishop John D’Arcy wrote this regarding the play:"The Vagina Monologues is offensive to women; it is antithetical to Catholic teaching on the beautiful gift of human sexuality and also to the teachings of the Church on the human body relative to its purpose and to its status as a temple of the Holy Spirit. The human body and the human person, in the tradition of the Church, must never be seen as an object.
This play violates the truth about women; the truth about sexuality; the truth about male and female, and the truth about the human body." (see here)
Gustavus Adolphus College is another ELCA school that has subjected their students to a production of "The Vagina Monologues." (see here)