. . . .But there is still work to be done and lots of it if we are going to end all abortions in our lifetime. Right now, the biggest challenge our team is having is not with liberal, public universities but Christian, private colleges!
Just last week our West Coast Regional Coordinator, Casey Vroman, went to one school, California Lutheran University, and was told that a pro-life group would not be "accepted" at the school because they were "inclusive." Ironic isn't it - an "inclusive" school doesn't include pro-life beliefs. The school official told Casey that Planned Parenthood is frequently welcomed on the Christian campus and that a chastity program isn't needed but free condoms are put everywhere on campus, including the cafeteria!!
Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion Goliath, is welcomed with open arms at this Christian school but your Students for Life isn't!
Casey won't be giving up. She is going to focus a lot of her time in the coming months to find a few pro-life student leaders at the school who can work from within to get a pro-life group started in the upcoming spring semester.
But sadly, this school is not alone. Casey is struggling with another school right now, Westmont in California, who is giving the pro-life student group a hard time, and I have been working with another student in Michigan this fall who can't get her pro-life group "approved" at her Christian campus!
Below is part of an email sent by Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America:
Dan Skogen 'See!' he said to all the people. 'This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the LORD has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God.'
Joshua 24:26-27 Your gift can help us continue this ministry Categories
January 2023