Also highlights ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Reverend Bolz-Weber leaves her ELCA Lutheran congregation in hands of homosexual pastor "married" to a drag queen You can't make this stuff up. Last month Bolz-Weber promoted "the beauty of queerness" to 31,000 teenagers at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Teen Gathering, and now this. I"m not sure how much lower the ELCA can sink. How God must grieve. If you are still a member of the ELCA I ask you to ask yourself "If this doesn't get me to leave the ELCA, what will?" May the Lord lead you to join a denomination which doesn't promote immorality (and which also doesn't pay for abortion with offering dollars). Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is bringing in Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber to speak at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering.
Yes, Nadia Bolz-Weber is the famous ELCA pastor who:
- admits to being a universalist. - says the Wiccan goddess "never felt to me like a substitute for God but simply another aspect of the divine, like God's aunt or something." - called the 12 disciples "real f**k-ups." - said "nobody believes every line of the creed.” - doesn't believe in the substitutionary atonement of Christ. - said some of what Paul wrote in the Bible was "not necessarily the Word of God" but just his "snotty opinions." (see here for all the above points) - swears constantly. - supports Planned Parenthood. (see here) - presided over a re-naming liturgical rite for one of her transgender church members. (see here) - was the main writer of a document that said “WE DENY that sexual attraction for the same sex is outside the natural goodness of God’s original creation…” and “WE DENY that it is sinful to approve of queer identities and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness.” (see here) - said "One of the more interesting things folks will say to me is: ‘I’m not religious or anything, I just hope that being a good person is enough.’ To which I always want to say… ‘enough for what?’ … avoiding the punishment of burning in the eternal fires of some kind of imaginary hell?” (see here) - signed the Naked and Unashamed statement, part of which said “We are ELCA Lutherans…The plethora of stories we hear in our conversations demonstrate that life and liberty are being oppressed in the pressure for church leaders to be in marital relationships, or otherwise abstain from all sexual intimacy. The common good of both parishioners and church leaders would benefit from the freedom to be in a variety of healthy relationships…” (see here) - had a drag queen MC Nadia's church Christmas pageant.
Here is how things went when Nadia Bolz-Weber spoke at the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering. Teenagers going to the ELCA Youth Gathering will be influenced not just by Nadia Bolz-Weber but by so many ELCA leaders who agree with Nadia. Do not send your children to the ELCA Youth Gathering. Doing so is putting your young people's Earthly and eternal lives in danger. (by way of their false teachings, world view and theology)
Last month the United States Supreme Court ruled that there is a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage. Here is how many leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America responded.
The ELCA's Bishop Robert Alan Rimbo of the Metropolitan New York says of the recent Supreme Court decision making gay marriage legal in the United States, "in the spirit of Jesus, we applaud the court’s decision. We will continue to embrace all of God’s children as they seek to have their loving relationships blessed by people of good faith." (readhere)
Below is a tweet from the ELCA Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations and assistant to the presiding bishop -
This post on an ELCA Facebook group is from the former president of the ELCA's Wartburg Theological Seminary - "Duane Larson 1 hr · Princeton, IA So humbled and privileged that in just a few hours I will preach and preside at the wedding of (two men). A first for this congregation and this community. We expect a packed house. God's timing is superb!" Rev. Strickland is the Director for Worship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -
— Rev Kevin Strickland (@PrKevinELCA) June 26, 2015
The ELCA's Bishop Guy Erwin of the Southwest California Synod retweeted this -
This ELCA Synod offers resources for churches concerning gay marriage from Reconciling Works (an LGBT advocacy organization) and from a transgender ELCA Pastor Megan Rohrer -
The ELCA pastor that moderates a large ELCA Clergy Facebook page tweeted -
A camp run by an ELCA church posted this -
Some ELCA Gay Pride Parade marchers -
From Gustavus Adolphus College -
The following comes from ELCA pastor, author and speaker Nadia Bolz-Weber. Her theology is heretical and her beliefs are immoral (see here) and what comes out of her mouth is ugly. ("What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." - Mathew 15:11)
Nadia Bolz-Weber is scheduled in 2015 to speak at the ELCA Luther Seminary’s 2015 Mid-Winter Convocation “Spiritual but Not Religious;” Discovery, Reflection and Vocation at the ELCA's Bethany College; Visiting Writers Series/Institute for Faith and Learning at the ELCA's Lenoir-Rhyne University and the next day at the ELCA's Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary; Festival of Homiletics (Luther Seminary) at the Colorado Convention Center and the ELCA Worship Jubilee. (see here) Explicit language warning:
— Nadia Bolz-Weber (@Sarcasticluther) October 9, 2014
Teachers have great influence on those they teach, so subjecting your mind to a sound Biblical teacher is of great importance to any Christian.
Not so in the ELCA... The ELCA's Northeastern Iowa Synod announced that this week Bishop Steven Ullestad would be "Learning from Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber about outreach to the generations." (see here) Do you know who Nadia Bolz-Weber is and what she believes? Rev. Bolz-Weber writes in her new book "Pastrix" that the goddess of Wicca is "simply another aspect of the divine, like God's aunt or something." (see here) She has also said - - "oh my god, nobody believes every line of the creed.” (see here) - "And just to be clear: The cross is not about God as divine child abuser sadly sending his little boy off to be killed because we were bad and well, somebody had to pay." (see here) - "I know it's a big deal to like build faith in home; we don't do that." (see here) - "I think that there is a really insipid message to girls when you use the exclusive male pronoun for God..." (see here) "I confess that I am a Christo-centric universalist. What that means to me is that, whatever God was accomplishing, especially on the cross, that Christological event, was for the restoration and redemption and reconciliation of all things and all people and all Creation – everyone. Whatever God was getting done there, that is for everyone. How God manages to play that out through other religions, other symbol systems, I will never understand. I have to allow for the idea that God is actually nimble enough and powerful enough and creative enough to do that.” See here “. . . Preaching hopefully in some way is the word of God, speaking is not. So I thought, I wonder, we can look at Paul that way. You know like sometimes he was just going off on his snotty opinions, he has some authority to speak on it but that’s not necessarily the Word of God.” from here That is what Bolz-Weber believes, yet the Northeastern Iowa Synod's writes that "she is a prophet and a gift to our church." (see here) It is not just an ELCA bishop that sits under ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber's instruction. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has cast Bolz-Weber into the role of "teacher" to their leadership and youth. She is highly revered by the ELCA. She speaks to ELCA synod assemblies, ELCA National youth gatherings and ELCA conferences. (see here) Nadia Bolz-Weber isn't the only ELCA chosen high profile instructor/speaker/teacher who openly teaches against Scriptural truth. Highly controversial scholars Marcus Borg (see here) and John Dominic Crossan (see here) are also Evangelical Lutheran Church in America favorites. People of the ELCA, with these kinds of teachers is there any question what kind of ELCA pastor they will produce? |
Dan Skogen 'See!' he said to all the people. 'This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the LORD has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God.'
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